About The Yarn Shop

There’s nothing quite like being in your local yarn store to experience the sights and feels of gorgeous yarns. Whether you have a specific project in mind or simply want to browse, we invite you to stop by our beautiful shop in Downtown Hagerstown, MD.

Full of colorful varieties of fiber, The Yarn Shop is the place for all enthusiasts. Whether you are a beginner at fiber arts or it’s a lifetime hobby, we have it all. Equipped with yarn, needles, accessories, subscriptions, and more, let your imagination run wild with your next yarn project. The Yarn Shop, originally called The Williamsport Yarn Closet, was founded in 2013 by Melissa and Brian Noel. Our tight-knit community is driven by Melissa’s passion to not only delve further in the fiber arts, but to also create a like-minded community of artist to share their passion.

Client Name
Redesign, Development & Deployment
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theyarnshop about

Project Goal:

Our managed engineering team understood the platform architecture and business logic to provide a solution for modernizing the recruitment platform that helped them to increase scalability and handle massive traffic without degrading performance.

  • Idea Validation
  • Accelerate Time to Market
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Support The Product Pitch
  • Customer-Centric Product

Tell us about your plans and ambitions!
